
Live-blogging Thanksgiving: Meme edition

I'm a long time reader of memes, but first time writer:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. Papa Bear Joe over at Joe Musicology got me...

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.

1) I'm color blind: always have been, always will be; and it's a constant source of amusement for people who've just discovered that I am...

2) I had a bad banana incident as a child. I get to blame this on Mom, along with the color-blind genes.

3) I'm left-footed, as in I kick a soccer ball better with my left foot than my right; but, I am not left-handed.

4) I've eaten hot, old-fashioned oatmeal for breakfast almost everyday since I graduated from college

5) I used to sub backstage as a dresser for a musical called Menopause: the Musical, in which I got to help 4 different women do quick changes in the dark, and it's not nearly as arousing as one would think...

6) I'm currently recovering from a mid-foot sprain that was originally diagnosed as a navicular fracture

7) I was a fantastic boy soprano; the fateful switch from boy soprano to boy baritone was absolutely awful, but that's the subject of a separate blog

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.

Sarah (the St Louis One), Sarah (the Swingy One), Allen (the Photo One), Amanda (the Musicology One)

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

5. If you don’t have 7 blog friends, or if someone else already took dibs, then tag some unsuspecting strangers. (I’m gonna skip this one two….)

1 comment:

Cake for Breakfast said...

I'm going to take it that even though I have yet to receive a comment telling me I'm a part of this, I'm a part of this, right? Okay - 7 strange facts will be posted...stay tuned.