
How Weird Am I? (Please Read Before Answering)

For your consideration, and my reassurance, I'm requesting your thoughts on the following tics, habits, neuroses, and weird things that I do (or don't do) on an almost daily basis:

* I always pick up the second newspaper -- never the first -- from the pile; I imagine the second paper somehow to be cleaner than the top paper...go figure.

* I do not eat fruit -- I used to eat apples, but haven't in ages -- this stems from a childhood incident in which my mother tried to kill me: it was Mother, in the Kitchen, with a banana.

* When I'm riding the train, I try to keep my hand on the same spot -- to me, touching as little of the bar as possible seems like the cleanliest option.

* I shoot pool lefthandedly; I kick a soccer ball mostly with my left foot; and, I prefer my backhand in ping-pong (but not in tennis); but I do almost everything else righthandedly.

* I'm colorblind

* If correctly prompted, I can get a little Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde on a soccer field (it's not pretty...).

* Finally, I absolutely must -- and I'm serious now -- I must have ice cubes in my mouth as I exit a restaurant. I do not know why, but I've been doing since high school, and it's a very comforting act.

That's not too weird, is it?


Unknown said...

Slightly more weird than your average person, but we are not talking the Addams Family here. I do the same thing with newspapers, books, and magazines. But not for cleanliness reasons, only because I don't think the copies further back will be creased.

The fruit thing is something I'm sure your doctor does not appreciate and I like the Clue reference (another sign you are a little weird is that movie is one of your favorites).

Anonymous said...

Please get a good paying job with lots of health insurance - your therapy bills will be pretty high.

Just so you know- murder wasn't exactly the goal.

Cake for Breakfast said...

The fruit thing is pretty bizarre. I have always thought so and will always think so. It's so good - it's mostly water - and there are many different kinds. I've never noticed the ice as you leave a restaurant thing. I think that is weird also. How have I never noticed that?

RobP said...

I thought you were less weird before I read this post haha. just kidding

Celexo said...

It's a little weird that the blog about my weirdness gets the highest response out of all my blogs -- it's just a little too weird, isn't it?