
Alex vs. The Mouse

Back in my pre-blogging days, I used to send out periodic (longish) mass e-mails. Since I'm not feeling particularly creative today, I've decided to re-post one of these e-mails. I'm writing this while watching the end of the Super Bowl: wasn't that Alec Baldwin/Hulu commercial during the 4th quarter brilliant?

Anyway, on to the story -- 
"Hello all-

Well, it's been a long time since I have delivered a mass e-mail so I thought I'd give it a try seeing as I don't talk to people all that often up here.

I'm getting really sick of telling my "old guy croaking on the plane" story, so if you haven't heard that one yet...ask somebody else! This story, entitled "Alex vs. The Mouse," is about a guy named Joe and a, ah I mean a guy named Alex and his (my) battle with a mouse in the apartment. This story needs to be prefaced by the fact that my roommate moved in the Saturday before Thanksgiving and for the 2 1/2 months before then I never heard, saw or imagined a mouse in the apartment. Apparently, Andrew (my roommate) made some OJ the other day (Thurs) and seems to have missed the trash can with the empty can. Friday night I come home after a long day of class and work. I go into the kitchen to get some Coke, obviously, and I see a huge tail sticking out from behind the trash can and then he scurries away...Damn, I think to myself, I pick up the trash and hope that the damn mouse forgets where he was. No such luck, after a night at T's pub I come home and go to bed. No sooner than my TV turns off I hear something scurrying around. I spring out of bed, grab my glasses and run to the kitchen (which is all of two steps) to hear the mouse run out of the trash and back behind the fridge. Round One goes to the Mouse...I can't get any sleep that night, every hour or so I hear him, spring out of bed-turn on the lights-scare him away and head back to bed...NO SLEEP AND ALL MOUSE PLAY MAKE ALEX A VERY TESTY BOY

Round Two is Sunday night...Saturday night I saw Monty Python at a midnight showing and was in too much glee to be bothered by a rodent...Back to Sunday night, I move the trash can to cover what I think is the hole Mr. Mouse is sneaking out of...No such luck, another on again off again night of sleep but I do think I win this round. I hear Mr. Mouse scurrying around like usual but this time I hear him in what I think is my stove...Once again, I spring out of bed (at this point, I'm thinking that my roommate thinks I have a huge bed-wetting problem) to run into the kitchen. I turn on all the burners of my gas stove and for one instance I hear this mouse scream...Have you ever heard a mouse scream? I did...freaky...Anyway, he still escaped but I'm hoping that I singed him a little.

Anyway, Round Three consists of me constructing a large Mouse-Hole blocking device (re: two pieces of 1x6's screwed together) to stop Mr. Mouse...Last night, I hear Mr. Mouse scratching away at the Mouse-Hole blocking devices but that's it and off to sleep I go.

Well, I'm hoping that Mr. Mouse decides to visit other apartments from now on, but who knows? Anyway, if anybody knows of any particular mouse traps or poisons that work well, please share..."

By the way, I ended up buying a sticky trap for the Mr. Mouse. It worked, insofar as it caught the mouse; but, he was still alive...so, I ended up scooping the trap+mouse into a plastic bag and (I'm not proud of this) threw it out of the window (3 stories up!). Bye, bye Mr. Mouse...

1 comment:

Cake for Breakfast said...

Recycled material...hm...like being in a Sorkin series.