
A Picture Says a Thousand Words

Just a quick note today because I'm straightening the apartment up before I settle down for the Survivor finale. By the way, who you like: Bob (all brawn and all brains); Matty (all brawn, no brains); Kenny (super manipulator-cum-wackjob); Sugar (she's a model, seriously?); or, what's-her-name (tag along)...

Anyway, I think the picture of our President cowering behind the hand of Iraq's president deserves a caption contest, ala The New Yorker. So, I'll get the ball rolling; but I'd love to hear from my lurkers...I mean, my loyal readers!

How about:

"One-armed Iraqi passionate about 'jazz hands'; one-armed American opts to stay on 16."

"American President tries, once more, to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: unfortunately, his massive sneeze is only a result of the cache of pepper stored within his podium."

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